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Bonus Tip: WordPress and Semantic HTML5

Bonus Tip: WordPress Great news for WordPress users – in the text editor, the essentials are done for you:



It is enough: Bonus Tip: WordPress

  • write the text directly in WordPress using the default formatting buttons


  • copy/paste the text from your word job function email database processing software (Word, OpenOffice, Google Docs, Pages…) without formatting and then apply the formatting from the WordPress text editor.

They are superfluous.

In 99% of cases, one of the HTML5 semantic tags described in this article is more appropriate and should be used instead.

HTML5 and accessibility

Many aspects of semantic HTML5 for SEO simply correspond to good practices for accessibility (screen readers for the visually impaired)

Google is essentially blind, so any HTML5 markup intended for accessibility will also help Google (and your SEO).

My advice:  think about accessibility when building your pages.


Properly implementing semantic HTML5 is already extremely important, and it will become even more so in the coming years. Google and Bing (and other search engines like Qwant, DuckDuckGo, Lilo, etc.) cannot fully understand the email marketing trends for 2018 semantics of your content. They need your help. To quote HTML5 Rocks:

The better semantic markup you do for your content, the easier it will be for robots to process.

— HTML5 Rocks

Currently, most web content writers have no idea how to properly implement HTML5 tags—they too often use the wrong, non-semantic tags. Get a head start: correctly implement the semantic HTML5 tags above.

Are you reading this article on your mobile? It’s very likely YES!

Mobile technology development is phone number iran happening at a rapid pace. Users love getting relevant results quickly from mobile devices. The availability and accessibility of mobile internet is forcing website developers, marketers, and business owners to adapt their content for mobile. And this trend is global.

We hope these 50 mobile facts will help you optimize your digital strategy in 2017-2018.

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