10 Best Christmas Campaigns For major brands, Christmas is the perfect time to boost their online business. During these few days of celebration and enchantment, people want to believe in a world of magic and good cheer. It’s the perfect time for sales! But to make the most of it, you need to grab your audience’s attention well before Christmas Day. This is precisely what the best brand giants do through social media: promoting their product as a gift that makes people happy.
This year, we’ve compiled a collection of the buy bulk sms service most creative, interactive, and powerful marketing campaigns in terms of values and storytelling. Check them out and share your thoughts in the comments.
On the Trail of Santa Claus and “Santa’s Village” by Google
Google has gone festive by bringing. Back “santa’s trail” for 2017! Like norad. Tracks santa, the tech giant is committed. To tracking the friendly red old. Man across the sky as he delivers presents. On christmas eve. But before his sleigh takes off, google has launched an interactive. Advent calendar called “santa’s village,” which houses various puzzles and games. For children. It will release a new. One every day until christmas.
Marionette Theater by Hermès
This year, luxury brand Hermès is offering its fans a new creative and stylish game called Marionette Theatre. The concept is as follows: you prepare a 5 essential elements in a download landing page gift online by choosing a box of Hermès clothing or jewelry. By sliding your finger across the screen, it magically transforms into a puppet dancing to Christmas music. You can then send this creative gift to your friends or family members via social media.
SEO Santa Factory by SEMrush
SEMrush is no exception to this Christmas marketing campaign fever! We’ve launched our SEO Santa’s Toy Factory game , where SEO Christmas elves give gifts to site owners. Grab the toys that will bring your site luck in 2018: healthy backlinks, social shares, and great keywords. Participants must grab the right toys and avoid algorithms that will phone number iran penalize their site for its poor performance in 2017. This game is a fun way to distract yourself before the holidays and motivate yourself for excellent SEO in 2018.
SEMrush SEO Santa Toy Factory
Singing Packages by Amazon
For the Christmas holidays, the e-commerce giant is taking us on a journey through the twists and turns of its distribution network. We’ll especially enjoy the packages that sing in unison “Give a Little Bit” by Roger Hodgson, the famous singer and guitarist of Supertramp. Perfect for stocking up on joy and good cheer!
Singing Packages by Amazon
“It’s a wonderful flight” with #heathrowbears by Heathrow
Heathrow continues its moving ” It’s a Wonderful Flight ” Christmas campaign featuring teddy bears who want to celebrate Christmas together despite all the obstacles they face. The video shows us a 50-year love story in a warm and friendly atmosphere. In addition to this extraordinary video, Heathrow has added a quiz, where you can find out what kind of bear you are.