The body of the email can also be a great option to include the press release itself.
The idea is to make the job as easy as possible for journalists, and although an attached .pdf or .doc may look cleaner and more professional, it is still a barrier that prevents direct access to the press release.
Who to send your press release to
This is where all the prior research on journalists, the topics they cover and their contact details comes into play.
Before you send the email, you need to have a basic idea of what the hierarchy in the media works like. Almost all media outlets tend to have different profiles of editors overseas data and journalists.
Editor: This is the person who assigns stories to journalists and makes the final decision on which topics are covered and published.
Journalist: If the journalist specializes in a topic relevant to your article, contact him or her directly. Although editors have the final say, journalists have the autonomy and influence to propose stories.
Stay tuned for the response
The work doesn’t end once you’ve released the press release. Just as the journalist’s job doesn’t end when he receives it, he has to do some more research and verify what he considers necessary.
In startups that manage their own digital PR strategy, there is often a copywriter or content marketer on the team who writes press releases and manages media relations.
That person and the company’s internal expert (the one who knows the most about the topic the PR is dealing with) must remain alert throughout the day to answer any additional questions the press may have.
Whose comments appear in the PR can be included
The email so that the journalist can contact him/her directly. It can speed up the process, but it is not always the best option.
For example, if the expert who provided the feedback is not the same how to win brand advocates person as the company spokesperson, or if his or her native language is not the same as that of the media outlet, it is best for the content marketer to act as a bridge. This way, he or she can read and edit the feedback beforehand to avoid misinterpretation.
How to propose an exclusive opinion piece
When you offer an opinion piece, you should personalize your email not only to the outlet but to the journalist or editor.
In a few sentences you should make it clear why your piece is relevant and why you think they should publish it. If it is a reaction to a piece published on their website, include a link.
Explain who the author is and what his or her position the expert is whatsapp filter in the company. Include a professional profile photo. If the author is a well-known figure, briefly summarize his or her main merits (books, conferences, publications, etc.).
Remember: exclusivity is key for journalists. You should always make it clear that this is a piece you are offering exclusively to them.
This exclusivity means that you cannot offer the article to another media outlet, at least until you know if they intend to publish it.