Make your advertising so few examples valuable that he will voluntarily keep it, cut it out and hang it on the wall at home.
Very easy:
Always solve a problem with your content.
Be useful – not promotional.
This way you bypass the mental bouncer and are invited into your reader’s wallet.
Dr. Oetker prints recipes on its baking powder – and has been doing so for ages.
So that you keep the packaging (i.e. advertising).
Let’s be honest: a recipe is always useful.
2. Guggenheimer Coffee
This poster hangs few examples in my office:
Content Marketing Strategy: Poster by Guggenheimer
Strictly speaking, the poster is an advertisement for Guggenheimer Coffee.
But I even paid money for it because it solves a problem and answers the question: “What is the name of each coffee and how do I prepare it?”
3rd Dictum
The tool retailer Dictum has distributed infographics, instructions and tips & tricks in its catalogue.
Content Marketing Strategy by Dictum
That’s why I didn’t throw the catalog away – and I leaf through it regularly when my male soul wants new tools.
Recipes, infographics and posters are “short form content” – that is, fairly short and snappy content.
Very popular.
Very effective.
Here are a few examples of long-form content – that is, quite long advice articles:
1) The 30+ most important types of knives in the kitchen (online shop for kitchen knives)
2) Copywriting: The special lead Ultimate Guide (Online Course Provider)
3) Painter’s fleece: A guide to the popular wallpaper (online shop for wall paints)
This form of long-form content is particularly effective when it comes to Google ranking.
Let’s remember: 90.61% of all websites do not get any traffic from Google.
Because they write few examples small shit
A few tips here and there won’t help.
You have to write so usefully and in such detail that readers wonder why you don’t charge for it.
Sounds complicated?
I find it much more time-consuming to produce a bunch of content that doesn’t deliver results.
In other words:
If you think good content marketing is expensive, try bad.
Your content brand advocacy and what is it for: definition marketing strategy should always be focused on benefits and solving problems.
Never on you, your b2c lead product or your company.
On to the next step of our strategy
Step 3:
Use your index finger to increase the results of your content marketing tenfold
A successful content marketing strategy has a specific target group.
If you don’t use your index finger, your reader will give you the middle finger.