Show exactly who your index finger target audience is.
Show exactly what the target audience will get out of consuming your content.
Now comes the next step.
And he answers the index finger question:
“How can I stand out in the mass of content?”
Here is the answer:
Step 4:
How your content breaks through all the noise
Content Marketing Strategy – Danger always has the highest relevance
You see a Lamborghini on the side of the road. It immediately catches your attention and you position yourself in front of the car to take a photo.
Suddenly a scream.
“Caution !”
A baseball comes flying buy bulk sms service towards you, you manage to duck and dodge the projectile.
That was close.
Immediately, the €300,000 car is no longer interesting.
And a ball for €5 is more important.
Because baseball had greater relevance.
Because he posed a danger.
Means for you:
There is a relevance index finger pyramid:
1. Asphalt (neutral). Relevance = 0
2. A cool car (desire). Relevance = 10
3. A baseball flying at you (danger). Relevance = 100.
If you want your content to stand out, stay away from level 1.
This keeps your reader neutral
He doesn’t care about your content.
The relevance pyramid for your content marketing strategy
Let’s say your target audience is MacBook users.
Examples of irrelevant content (“I don’t care”):
3 Tips for Buying a tiktok for business: an essential tool for digital marketing MacBook
10 Apps for MacOS
How a virus scan works on the Mac
Boring !!!
Nobody cares.
Here’s how to get b2c lead your content to level 2 of the relevance pyramid (“desire”):
3 tricks to buy a Macbook cheaply and save up to 500 euros
10 Must-Have Mac Apps for Designers That Will Save You 10 Hours of Work Every Week
How to make your Mac safe from hacker attacks, viruses and spam in 5 minutes
What did I change?