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They stretch their arms in 8 different directions:

Strong Writer’s Content different directions Marketing Strategy with a Lead Magnet
This is what she does right:

Attractive list of 22 “hacks”
High-quality design gives the impression that you are getting a “real book” (high perceived value)
Clear advantage: finish writing the book

That was a lot of wood.

Let’s summarize what you have learned.

1. Create timeless content

2. Always solve a problem.

3. For a specific target group

4. Be relevant.

5. Your content needs a call to action (CTA)

6. The goal of the call to actions should always be list building – not sales


And now we come to different directions the last step which isn’t one at all

Step 7:
Dominate a channel
The Octopus Style is a Bad Content Marketing Strategy
This is mistake #1 that I see again and again:

The Octopus style.

What does that mean?

More than 1,000 people have now purchased my books and courses.

And those who do not see results and success behave like octopuses:

A little Facebook

Little Blogging
A bit of YouTube
A little email
a bit of LinkedIn
Always a little bit of everything.

This style is the surest way to fail.


Because on every platform job function email database you compete against people who ONLY use that platform.

Is called:

If you want to be successful, focus on one channel – and dominate it.

My most successful clients are those who are not spread across 8 channels, but focus on one or two channels.

What is the best channel for your content marketing?
That depends on you.

Here are 2 questions that different directions will help you:

1) Are your potential customers there?

2) Does the channel suit your business?

As a copywriter, I don’t have a very visual business – and that’s why I don’t use Instagram.

As a copywriter , however, I love long-form content and have specialized in the Google game.

I know other entrepreneurs who generate all their attention through Linkedin.

Others dominate YouTube.

Basically, it doesn’t matter which channel you choose.

The important thing is that you decide.


Forget your FOMO and dominate a channel.

Be the big fish in the small pond.

This is a much more effective content marketing strategy than being a little idiot – er, fish – on every channel.


The 7-Step Content Marketing Strategy

If you’ve read this far, then you’re in the top 1% of entrepreneurs who really want to do content marketing with results – and not just throw money into meaningless content.

Let me summarize the strategy for you again:

1. Create timeless encouraging user-generated content on social platforms content

2. Always solve a problem.

3. For a specific target group

4. Be relevant.

5. Your contentb agent email list needs a call to action (CTA)

6. The goal of the call to actions should always be list building – not sales

7. Dominate one channel instead of being dominated on all channels.

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