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I learn one thing during my studies, and that is that you should never just read those thick books, those textbooks, but you should always read case-relat. What does that mean? You solve cases, which means you get into practice and work your way through them, and if you get stuck somewhere, you look in the thick textbook. Thick textbooks are not there to just leaf through, you only look in them when you are fac with a problem. Online courses are the same. If you are fac with a problem and are not getting any further, get an online course or a business book or get advice from someone and pay money for it, but not as a reserve for the future.
Buy ten online courses for later and then leave them alone, but only when the problem arises, then solve that problem and move on to the next problem, then get advice there and move on to the next problem.
You should buy online What happens courses bas on the problem
not just wait for the future and then just leave them lying around like in a barn.
If you caught yourself doing one or more of these things, please write it in the comments.
And if so, then it’s time to change your mindset now, and do it online. Courses aren’t a magic pill, and they won’t do all the work for you. You still have to implement something yourself. But if you see online courses as an investment and start to actually implement what you’ve bought, then you will see success, and that’s the right mindset that will get you further if you stick with it.
I myself bought an online course for €1,000 this year. I have a newsletter that I receive monthly. It costs me €100 per month, which is €1,200 over the year, and I go to an industry email list entrepreneur workation at least once a year , where I exchange ideas with other entrepreneurs and learn from other entrepreneurs. I also count this as further training, and all of this add up costs me around €5,000 a year.
That means I spend €5,000 on training myself to learn from others and to develop myself further. But it’s also very important to take one thing at a time: don’t just hoard, don’t pile things up and don’t just take advantage of discounts, but really look at what will help me now? What kind of bottleneck do I have now? Which online course can help me to solve this bottleneck and then move on?
Therefore invest in What happens yourself
Investing in knowlge cultivating social validation on social media brings the best interest. Good old Benjamin Franklin knew that , and it was always the same for me. When I invest in my knowlge! when I invest in agent email list myself, it always brought the best return, and I wish that for you.