People online are impatient and have short attention spans. A recent Google survey revealed that people expect websites to load in 2 to 3 seconds. 53% of people admit that they will give up if a website takes more than 3 seconds to load. This means you need to make sure your website loads well.
Website speed usually
depends on three factors: Website structure and construction The hosting service that hosts the website Optimizing phone number list for mobile devices If your website is not built well or is not hosted on a high-quality server, you may run into problems. There are many tools online that can help you assess your website’s speed. You can also determine speed by browsing the website from a user’s perspective.
If you optimize your website speed
you will experience a huge improvement in your traffic. Good speed results in lower bounce rates, longer session times, and a better overall user experience. 3. Long-form content Google strictly the best order fulfillment companies prohibits poor content. These articles are short articles that provide little to no value to the user. The search engine giant recommends more than 300 words per page to ensure a website can be indexed.
But 300 words aren’t enough
to get you a high ranking on search engine results pages. In fact, 300 to 500 word content snippets will put you behind others in the content marketing game. Research shows that the average cmo email list word count for first page results is 1890. The most popular homepage content ranges from 3,000 to 10,000 words.
This content provides
reliable information and real value to search engine users, which is why they rank so high in the results pages. If you want to rank high on search engine results pages, it’s important to make sure your content is long and informative.
You can’t write 3,000
words or more on a general shallow topic. This doesn’t provide any value to your readers. Use original research and information wherever possible. This will attract more links and help you rank higher on search engine results pages. Make sure the content is well written and does not duplicate information. Since you’re trying to achieve a high word count, it’s easy to repeat information in long-form content.