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The serial port is connected

For legacy equipment lacking Ethernet connectivity ? the operational data The serial  is sent from a machine’s PLC through a serial port (RS-232 ? RS-422 ? RS-485) whenever there’s cycle start/end ? spindle on/off ? etc.   to the serial-to-LAN converter ? which forwards the data to a cloud platform via an IoT gateway.
For CNC machines supporting Ethernet communication ? the operational data The serial is sent from the machines’ PLCs to the cloud software through an Ethernet port via an IoT gateway over a wireless network
Data Analytics

The enterprise want to conveniently

See equipment availability and performance metrics (e.g. ? operating whatsapp number database time ? downtime ? total parts count ? etc.) across the machin plastics and the die-cutting division for vari timeframes and to be able to compare machine effectiveness across production lines and factories. Along with it ? the manufacturer want to be inform about possible critical production issues ? such as machine failures ? as soon as they arise.

To meet the requirements of the enterprise ? the IIoT solution was avoid page builders gear with two types of data analytics: batch and near real-time.

With batch analysis

The operational data collect from a machine’s PLC via a serial or any germany cell number of  an Ethernet interface is transmitt to a cloud data storage ? where it is aggregat for an appropriate period of time (e.g. ? hour ? shift ? day ? etc.) before it is analyz. For instance ? the operational parameters of a CNC milling machine are aggregat for an 8-hour shift and analyz at the end of it to generate an equipment effectiveness report per shift ? featuring such metrics as total power-on time ? total motion time ? average cycle time ? and the total number of tool changes.

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