Near real-time analytics implies collecting and analyzing The rules equipment data immiately after it is generat. Near real-time data analytics is us to provide a fast output in the form of an alarm informing responsible staff of potentially critical situations — for The rules instance ? a traveling head press abruptly stopping during an operation cycle.
Communication with Users
The insights obtain with the analysis are communicat to telegram number database the shop floor and factory managers via web and mobile applications. The output the solution provides takes the form of reports and near real-time alerts.
The solution allows factory and enterprise managers to generate basic and extend reports. Basic reports display the data about CNC machines’ statuses ? uptime ? downtime ? the number and the duration of cycles ? and other availability and performance metrics for a select period on a dashboard.
The extend reports provide the ability to explore an entire machine’s create a seo-optimiz website event history for any period and see every machine’s effectiveness dynamics. For instance ? a COO can view a monthly availability and performance report for the die-cutting division and compare the obtain metrics with those of the previous month ? the dynamics conveniently visualiz in the form of a line chart.
Alerts are generat when equipment data shows patterns critical for the cutting or pressing operations.
The equipment operational data is analyz
Near real-time against the rules defin by data analysts in any germany cell number of cooperation with manufacturers. situations and respective actions that should be taken whenever such a situation arises. For instance ? if a CNC milling machine rejects the start of a new cycle ? an alert is trigger and sent to a maintenance specialist and a shop floor manager via a web or mobile application.