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The Benefits Gained with IIoT

The solution has driven substantial operational improvements across the enterprise, the most important of which include:

Instant Access to Shop Floor Data: Due to the improved The Benefits collection, aggregation, and processing of data, equipment effectiveness reports become available to the enterprise and shop floor managers in a matter of minutes, so that they are always supplied with accurate equipment effectiveness KPIs.

Precise Visibility into the Shop Floor Operations: At the shop floor level, IIoT has provided shop floor managers with the ability to see the current level of equipment availability and performance, as well as get notified about potentially critical situations in near real-time. At the enterprise level, the implementation of IIoT has given enterprise managers visibility into how well each manufacturing division is performing and provided an opportunity to see performance dynamics across divisions.

Detailed Analytics The Benefits

The insights obtained with IIoT go well beyond the dataset information about a specific machine’s uptime and downtime. IIoT allows you to see detailed performance metrics for each machine, production line, factory, and manufacturing division. For instance, for CNC routers, it is now possible to obtain the data about the average cycle time, the last cycle time, the number of tool changes, the number of tools in use, the number of parts produced, and more. This has enabled enterprise study of navigation menus managers to leave behind the guessing game and start making data-driven decisions about improving equipment effectiveness across the enterprise.

The Ability to Monitor Labor Effectiveness

By correlating equipment effectiveness data with the data about operators any germany cell number of working on particular machines, it is now possible to get insights into the performance of each operator and get a better understanding of the overall labor effectiveness. A shift manager can, for instance, see that during a shift, John operating CNC lathe X has produced 12 parts more than Jim operating CNC lathe Y has.

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