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Analyze keywords

Write SEO text based on a few keywords, for SEO purposes one or two keywords are often enough . Don’t overdo it with the number of keywords, less is sometimes more and it will be difficult to optimize a text of two standard pages for 10 keywords.

You can search for and analyze the most suitable keywords using various “whispers”, such as Google Keyword Planner or Marketing Miner , where basic keyword analysis is available for free after logging in. Keyword Planner’s forecasts are updated daily and take into account search engine data from the last 7-10 days. This gives you an overview of all the impacts of market changes from a given period.

A demonstration of Marketing Miner’s functionality for the keyword “black shoes”.


Once you find out which words your customers search for most often in connection with your business and what the competition is among websites and e-shops for a given keyword , you can start writing. Good text is a key element of good SEO optimization. Try to include keywords in the text as much as possible, but think not only about Google, but mainly about the reader. The text should not appear rigid to the detriment of SEO.

2. The headline matters

From an SEO perspective, Google also evaluates different levels of text, which means that it distinguishes between regular text, highlighted words, headlines and subheadings. So it’s best if the keyword that the text will focus on overseas chinese in worldwide data appears right in the headline. The headline is also the first thing the reader sees in the search engine, so it either motivates them to read your article or not. In short, take care of it. Then, maintain an appropriate keyword density throughout the SEO text and also – don’t forget about links! Also use subheadings of different levels (H2, H3, etc.). Search engines also distinguish this in the text and, in addition, you make the text clearer for the reader.

Example of a blog article for the keyword “partner infidelity”.


3. Link building

We wrote about building backlinks , so-called linkbuilding , in a previous article. However, from an SEO perspective , it is sms to data important to remember it. If you are writing a blog article, presenting news on your website, etc., link to it . Include links to specific products in the text (which are related to the text and the link to them has a certain meaning).

Example of link building on a company blog.


However, you can also link to older published material, which will perform an SEO service for your older articles as well. Internal linking is a great  email and retargeting, the combination that will make you win leads way to develop a contextual relationship between your new and old posts while improving the overall SEO of your website.

4. Don’t be afraid of multimedia

If you have relevant photos, videos, or other multimedia (apps, animations, and so on, and so forth) for your post, add them. Not only will it be easier for the reader to read the content if the text is “broken up” by an image or video, but it will also give you an advantage when Google evaluates your relevance .

However, use only your own photos and images, so as not to inadvertently infringe copyright, or use photo bank services . Some allow you to download photos for your own use free of charge, some require you to pay per piece, and some offer a permanent subscription.

5. Metadata

This component of SEO aspects is often forgotten by web writers. A meta description is an HTML meta tag that you can add to any page. Its purpose is to provide a short description of your article for the reader’s orientation and, especially, for the search engine . What the article is about, what topics it is related to, and what keywords it is focused on.

Example of the metatext displayed in Google search.


The meta description should include not only the article, but also the website itself, each of its subpages, or each individual product. The meta description is also displayed when shared on social networks (Facebook, Linkedin). And for the best SEO, the meta description should of course also contain the keyword .

6. Don’t complicate things for the reader

Simple and clear text will be appreciated by both the reader and the search engine. Divideyour SEO article into paragraphs , use highlighting, division into subchapters, and prioritize simple sentences.

7. Have a plan

When it comes to publishing SEO posts on your site, stick to a clear plan and ideally, stick to similar topics. The more keywords are repeated in different articles and subpages of your site, the better for the search engine. Plan your content .



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