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Types of brand advocates you should know

Within the Brand Advocacy phenomenon, there are different types of brand defenders that will help us enhance themarketing strategythat we have developed. Learn about the different types of most popular brand advocates.

Clients and consumers

Customers and consumers are arguably the best brand advocates .User Generated Content or UGC, according to its acronym in English, is considered authentic and trustworthy. Recommendations of this type can be seen as Instagram or Tiktok videos that the users themselvesusers upload to their social cameroon phone number list networks. A positive review about a service or product, including a photo or thread of X, is also UGC content.

Keep in mind that social media encourages users to post content . They are designed to encourage us to share constantly, so it is advisable to encourage consumers to give their opinion on the brand’s products and services. This can be done through online raffles, hashtags that become popular, or by giving rewards to UGC content creators.

On Instagram, the sustainable clothing brand “EcoFashion” encourages the participation of its followers through specific hashtags (#EcoFashionLovers) so that they share photos using its products, thus generating UGC content that strengthens its brand image.


Secondly, we find the employees who work for the brand. These brand advocates know all the details of the company, its products and its culture. They can be powerful brand advocates. Perfect for representing the brand to consumers and potential customers.LinkedIn studyshowed that, on average, employees have 10 times more contacts than followers on their company page. This difference is due to the fact that each employee has. Their own network of contacts that includes colleagues, friends, or former coworkers. When employees practice Brand Advocacy and share content about the company on their networks, the potential reach is much greater.

A clear example is the technology company “TechSolutions”Employees regularly share technical content and company success stories on LinkedIn and other platforms, 3 powerful benefits ofpost hosting which not only increases brand visibility but also reinforces its reputation as a leader in its sector.


If your brand haspartners or affiliates, the positive content they share about your company, is also considered Brand Advocacy. The association between “FitNutrition” collaborates with a local gym chain, where trainers promote the brand’s nutritional supplements in their training sessions and on social media, increasing the visibility and credibility of both partners.

These references help to improve brand awareness and influence the purchasing decisions of potential customers. It is advisable for companies to carry out co-branding campaigns to increase the reach of both parties . Thus, Brand Advocacy is positive for everyone, as the content and publications will reach the regular consumer, but also potential customers and followers.


Finally, we find one of the types of brand advocatemost popular and effective: influencersThey have large audiences who trust their recommendations , so they are very likely to influence their purchasing decisions.

Influencers act as brand advocates, especially if formal collaborations have been established between companies and them . It is important that the content they publish is spontaneous and genuine, since one of the bases of influencer marketing is the authenticity of the posts and recommendations.

“GlowBeauty” collaborates with beauty influencers on YouTube and Instagram, who create makeup tutorials using only the brand’s products, which generates interest and trust whatsapp filter among their followers.


Advantages of Brand Advocacy in marketing strategies

As you may have guessed, one of the great advantages of Brand Advocacy is the credibility it brings to the brand image. But that is not the only benefit. That is why we want to share with you all its advantages for companies and their relationships with users.

Increase engagement

Brand advocates are perfect brand prescribers and speakers, capable of promoting it through thesocial networks without going unnoticed . Through recommendations and advice, messages can penetrate the consumer’s mind, overcoming the usual advertising filters.

Increase trust in your brand

The nature of Brand Advocacy messages makes users trust them. Recommending a product or service is one of the most effective methods of selling. Therefore, this phenomenon is vital to increase trust in a brand.


Boost sales

As a result of the trust and engagement generated by Brand Advocacy, sales can increase considerably. According toa recent study, leads that come from Brand Advocacy strategies are of high quality. Different experts evaluated these leads with an average of 4.18 on a scale of 5. This means that contacts attracted by brand advocates are more likely to become clients or consumers.

In fact, conversion rates for earned media (5%) far exceed those for paid media (1% – 2%). Purchase intent on social media increases by up to 50%. When products are recommended by trusted people (both influencers and acquaintances).


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