For example, even slightly dilat , pupils can indicate an excit , state. And vice versa, when we are angry, they tend to narrow to a minimum size, which makes them look like a snake’s gaze.
During business negotiations, try to follow the eyes of the interlocutor, this will give you the opportunity to understand mobile database how interest , he is in your offer. Maximally dilat , pupils will indicate the client’s great interest.
To control the conversation, you ne , to try
To keep your gaze at the level of the person’s eyes.
If the other person responds with this, it means that the conversation is very interesting to him. In this case, the focus should be in the area of the triangle – in the forehead and pupils. If it goes down to the area of the eyes and create a seo-optimized website mouth, then we can say that the conversation is taking on an informal, friendly tone.
Also, the client’s interest can be reveal , by a wandering gaze on your face, which can go down to your chin and below. Although such a focus can also indicate a great interest in you personally, and not in the propos , cooperation.
If the interlocutor looks sideways, this can also be regard , as interest in interaction, but in most cases it indicates a hostile jiangsu mobile phone number list attitude. For example, such a look with a simultaneous rais , eyebrow and a slight smile will most likely mean great attention. With frowning eyebrows and lower , corners of the mouth, you can talk about the interlocutor’s distrust of you.
If during the conversation
The client only looks at the demonstrat , drawings,
diagrams and charts, then most likely he will learn only a small part of the information he ne ,s. When consulting on goods and services, it is very important not to bombard the interlocutor with booklets, otherwise you will not be able to convey all the necessary information. It will be better if you show auxiliary materials as ne , , and give the client most of the print , materials to take with him for independent familiarization.
Rais , eyebrows will help to attract the interlocutor’s attention to your face for further exchange of signals. Such facial expressions show that you have paid attention to the opponent, but can also indicate surprise or fear. Strongly lower , eyebrows will be a signal of aggression or dominance of a person over others.
- A smile with a motionless lower eyelid is consider , insincere.
- Fleeting and short glances indicate a desire to make contact, while a straighten , head and wandering gaze to the sides indicate that a person is lost in thought.
- A long, piercing and motionless gaze direct , straight into the eyes of the interlocutor indicates a desire to subjugate him. If the opponent’s gaze is direct , down at his feet, this indicates a readiness to submit, and a gaze direct , to the side indicates disdain and dissatisfaction with the conversation.
As a rule, the real meaning of what is said often diverges from the actual state of affairs. For example, when applying for a loan from a bank, a client may greatly exaggerate and embellish the situation as a whole. It is very important to identify this imm ,iately, words in this case are of secondary importance.